The highlight of Week 21 is that momma and I went and picked out our bursery furniture!! After looking at about 12 different collections, I found the perfect crib at BuyBuy Baby. In true "Lindsey" fashion - just like my Senior Prom Dress, just like my wedding dress, just like my husband - the moment I sat my eyes on this crib, I just knew it was "THE ONE" and didn't need to look any further. It's masculine and modern and it converts into a toddler bed so he'll be able to sleep in it for years to come!! So we sat down with the sales rep and placed the order! 3 reasons for future preggos reading this blog to go to BuyBuyBaby:
1. They immediately offered 20% off the entire purchase. Score.
2. They're affiliated with Bed Bath and Beyond and accept their coupons as well! Double Score.
3. If you order 2 or more pieces of furniture, not only will they deliver the furniture, but they'll ASSEMBLE it - all at no additional charge! HUGE Score.
So, without further adieu, I give you Prince Cohen's throne:
Please excuse the awful bedding set they had on the floor model.
The weekend of Week 21 was super fun because we helped host a baby shower for a lifelong friend of mine, Megan Phillips Milsap! She's really close to her due date (only about 3 weeks out now!) and we had such a great time celebrating her and Molly Kate's upcoming arrival!! What was even better was that we got to see a bunch of friends from Hickory Grove that I grew up around - it was awesome how momma and I haven't seen some of these people in years, yet we all picked up like we had just seen them last Sunday at church. Guess it's true what Michael W Smith said - 'friends are friends forever, if the Lord's a Lord of them!' Anyway, it was a blessed day and I was so excited to be able to help out! I can't wait to meet sweet Molly Kate and for her and Cohen to grow up together, the way Megan and I did! Playdates are going to be SO much fun and they're going to make tons of fun memories together!
Me and Megan - friends for life :) |
WEEK 21 CRAVINGS: Ok, so this wasn't really a 'craving' as much as an 'I am like the craziest impulse shopper and saw these on the shelf at the gas station and not only do I love Funions, but OH EM GEE, they're flamin' hot and spicy too!?' Had to have I did. And while the end result was about 3 straight hours of incurable heartburn, I have to admit that this was a match made in pregnancy heaven - and the heartburn was worth every glorious (and devilishly hot) bite!
WEEK 21 "Dose of Greyson": Andrew didn't do anything funny or mildly entertaining the entire 21st Week. Lol, just kidding - I'm sure he did, but I don't have an exact example or picture to go with it (other than the story I could tell of how irritated he was walking around baby stores with me and mom - note to self: if you're going to drag your husband around looking at breast pads and nipple cream, you better feed him dinner first. Or better yet, just leave him at home).
So, I've decided to tell this week about how sweet my Greyson is in the afternoon when I get home from work. My feet have started to swell by the time I get home, so I lay on the couch with them elevated every afternoon until I have to get up and make dinner. Greyson always comes and lays with me and the weird thing is he always lays his paw on my tummy. The weirder thing is, it's always exactly where Cohen is. It's funny to see Grey's paw move around as Cohen pushes at it from the inside! I can tell they love eachother already and it's so cool that Greyson just 'knows' something is in there. I remember Dana telling me that about her cats when she was pregnant with Ava, but it's really so true. He cuddles up beside me, puts his paw on my belly, and falls asleep - and that's by far one of my favorite things to come home to every day :)
Grey, with his paw on the bump. (Cue the 'Awwwwwws') |
WEEK 21 "To Remembers": The "getting up 4 times a night to pee" thing isn't going anywhere for awhile. (I even asked Dana and unfortunately, she was nice enough to not lie to me - she said it gets even worse near the end. Awesome.) But, it's all worht it, right? At least I'm consistent: I go to bed at 9, wake up at 11, again at 1, then at 3, then again at 5, before I'm up at 7 for good. And each time, I stand bewildered because a) I haven't drank anything since like 7pm that night and b) I have to go just as bad each time as I did the time we were driving to ATL and got stuck in gridlocked traffic on the spaghetti junction after I had consumed an entire Big Gulp of Dr Pepper. I don't know where the pee comes from, but it's never ending. If I had a dollar for every time I went, or for every gallon I produced each day, Cohen's college fund would be paid for by the time he's born...with enough left over for mommy and daddy to take an all-iniclusive trip to Bora Bora. If anyone knows of a way I can turn this inconvenient circumstance into a profit-producing endeavor, please call or email me.
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