Mommy has been SO very busy over the past few days that I'm just now getting a chance to write my 6mo letter to you! I'm so sorry! Hopefully I'll have my crazy long list of things to accomplish completed before you get here! And trust me, that won't be long now...only 3 more months. AHHH! It's so crazy to me how time has flown by. In some ways, I feel like I've been pregnant forever. When I think back that I was pregnant on Christmas and it's now summer time, it seems like forever. But when I think about the fact that in just a few short months (94 days and counting!) you'll be out in the world and in my arms rather than in my belly, it seems like the time has gone by crazy fast.
You and I have sure had some fun times over the past month. Grammy and I flew to Cleveland for a Baby Shower in your honor, thrown by Mimi and PapPap and Aunt Abby!! We've gone to the beach with Grammy and Uncle Boo (who bought a ton of blue fireworks to set off at the lake with Daddy to celebrate you being a boy). And we've celebrated Memorial Day at the lake!! You seem to be just like mommy and daddy and REALLY love the water. When I first get in, you kick and wriggle around from excitement, but then I think it calms you down and you fall asleep. I can't wait til next summer, when we can take you on boat rides and you can be our little fishy!! All of the traveling has been so much fun, but as you're growing, so am I - and I'm starting to slow down a bit. So I'm looking forward to a few weekends in town at home.
Daddy was gone for 2 weeks this month because he had training in Cleveland for his new job. It was REALLY hard without him home, but I kept him in the loop with random videos of you kicking and moving around. :) We're so lucky to have him and how hard he works to provide for us. I can't wait for you to be here and to love him as much as I do.
Over the past month, you've grown to be about 13-14 inches long - that's longer than a ruler! And you weigh in at almost two pounds now. You're already practicing walking by pedaling your feet and kicking me, and I'm beginning to think you never ever sleep because I feel you all the time. It's so funny because there are times where you kick or punch so hard that it takes my breath away! And then there are times where I can tell you have the hiccups as you practice swallowing. But the craziest thing is that you found this really comfy spot that you LOVE right underneath my right ribcage - and most of the time I can feel your head nestled right there! It gets a little uncomfortable, but I love being able to feel you right there, so close to me and my heart. I know these are the things that I'm really going to miss once you're born. In addition to being my little womb mover, you've also developed a strong grip and you can open and close your eyes in reaction to light! I find myself wondering all the time, whether you'll have blue eyes like me or brown eyes like your daddy. Your vocal cords are fully functional, although you won’t be truly practicing until you're out and about and see your first glimpse of daylight. The best thing about this month - as of 3 weeks ago, you're totally viable, which means if you were born right now you'd have a great chance of survival! That being said, as eager as me and so many others are to meet you, I dont want you to feel rushed - you need to stay in and grow big and strong for as close to September 2 as you can! So stay comfy little one, you'll be exposed to the craziness of this world soon enough.
This month's "5 Things" is going to be all about weird and random facts about mommy and daddy. I figured I may as well go ahead and warn you as early as possible of how weird and random we can be, so you can go ahead and get used to it. Don't worry though, we'll never be embarassing in front of your friends...wait, I can't really make that promise...
**1. We make up songs and sing them to eachother. They never have a beat...and they never EVER rhyme. But they're hilarious and can break us out of any bad mood. I can't wait to hear you make up your own songs one day. You'll definitely get it honest.
**2. I HATE when pictures aren't hung perfectly straight. To the point where I'll fix a picture hanging in a restaurant or store without shame. I get all hot and dizzy if it's in a place that I cant reach, but trust me, if there's any chance of me being able to reach and straighten it, I will. In fact, last year when Grammy and I were at the beach, I went to adjust a picture hanging in our hotel and it fell off the wall. Oh well, better shattered than hanging all crooked.
**3. Daddy hates when the visors are down in the car or when the sunroof 'shade' is open, but the sunroof is closed. I have to admit, I do it on purpose to mess with him all the time. And it's funny. You'll be laughing with me soon enough.
**4. I'm a little more than mildly obsessed with John Mayer. You already know who he is because I play his music for you all the time, and I can tell you like him because of the way you dance. I know every word to every one of his songs and when you're old enough I'll tell you about the times Aunt Dana and I have gone to great lengths to actually meet him. (Your momma is a stubborn one and once I get my mind set to something, I make it happen - even when it involves me scaling a dumpster...but more on that when you're older).
**5. We have an Oreo addiction. While we argue against the perfect "count" of how long you should hold the Oreo in the milk after it's been dunked, we have Oreos in the house 90% of the time and eat them as dessert most nights after dinner. You're going to LOOOOVE Oreos. They're one of God's gifts to the people on Earth to keep them happy. And they do just that.
Gotta run for now - you're sitting directly on my bladder which means I have to cut this short and take care of some things. But I want to let you know how much I love you and how excited I am to finally meet you in person, although I already know every inch of your heart.
All my love,
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