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Friday, February 24, 2012

Dear Baby Sac - 3mo Letter

Hi Baby!!

Wow, what a crazy 2 months it's been!  I'm SO thankful that I'm finally in the 2nd trimester and that I'm no longer as sick as I was a few weeks ago.  YAY!! 

So, by now you've graduated from a tiny litte embryo to an official fetus!!  This makes mommy and daddy VERY happy, because this means that the most critical part of your development is completed!  You're the size of a small apple and you're fully formed!  Yay for no more tadpole, bean or gummy bear references!!  We saw you on an ultrasound last Wednesday (when your GA was 11w3d), and we were in awe, just watching you bouncing around!  You're so active and I can't wait to feel you move around!  You stretched your arms and legs and you look like a perfect little person!  Grammy went with us so she could see you for the first time and she was just as amazed as we were.  You're such an incredible little blessing, and there are already SO many people who love you SO much.

Your first profile picture!!  See what a cute little face you already have!?  I cant wait to cover it in kissies!!!

In just the past month you've grown from 1 to 3 whole inches and you weigh about 1 ½ ounces.  Your head now sits on your neck and if I could look in and see you close up, we could see a little whorl of a hair pattern on top of your precious little noggin!  Your head is still pretty big and makes up half the length of your entire body (which is a funny thought to me, because if I compare that to my body, that would mean my head is about 2 ½ feet big.  I seem to think I'd make a fabulous bobble head though).  Your eyes are moving closer together and your ears are continuing to form.  I told daddy the other day that he needs to start working on his tone and his words because in a few more weeks you'll be able to hear everything we say and do!  You have taste buds and you've developed the sucking reflex, which we saw last week at our ultrasound when you were sucking your thumb!!  It was so cute, and I wasn't even stressed, thinking about how that would probably put you in braces years down the road.  I have a feeling everything you do will be cute (at least at first, haha).  You're beginning to practice swallowing too!  Teeth buds have begun to form, as well as your fingernails and toenails!!  If you're a girl, Grammy and I already cant wait to take you to Ivy's for your first mani/pedi!  And dont worry about missing out on the fun if you're a boy, you'll still enjoy the traditional Christmas Pedicure with the rest of us!  Dont worry, even your daddy does it...although your feet will be NOTHING compared to the craziness that his are.  No 'cheese graters' for you and your soft little feet!!  Your major organs, as well as your sex organs - which will let us know whether you're a boy or a girl in 32 days (SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!).

We got some good news today - the loan for our house is out of Underwriting and we'll officially be moving in 2 weeks or less!  That gives me plenty of time to make this house a 'home' for our family and I couldn't be more excited.  Your Grammy and Grampaw did such a great job creating such a loving home for me when I was growing up, they set the bar pretty high, but I'm determined to make them proud and make sure you always feel safe and loved at home. 

Now, time for this month's 5 things.  You're gonna laugh in a few years when I test you on all of this...
***1.  You have a big brother.  Well, he's not an actual human brother, but a furry feline one!  His name is Greyson and honestly I'm a little nervous to think of how he'll react to having to share mommy and daddy's attention.  He's been mine for almost 8 years and we sure have been through alot together!  I laugh to think of how he'll react to you crying - and how he'll enjoy us being home together for a few months after you'r born.  I tell him all the time about you and how he has 6 months to learn how to share, but for now, he's enjoying mommy as much as he possibly can :)

Mommy and Greyson - I think he thinks HE is the baby!

***2.  Mommy loves Mexican food.  You're going to be born craving fajitas and guacamole and tacos and enchiladas!  The good news is that these foods are pretty soft, so when you have teeth and can start eating big people food, you'll be able to eat this kind of cuisine with us before most of the rest.  OLE'!!  :)
***3.  Both daddy and I are really artistic.  Daddy is so good at architectural and design stuff, and I'm creative, always thinking of new things and ideas, so with our powers combined you're sure to be an artistic genius!  I cant wait for your first drawing or to see what hand you'll write with!
***4.  We love goig to sporting events.  In fact, tonight we're taking you to a Checkers game!  Although you cant see or hear what's going on, it won't be long til we're toting you to Clemson football games with Grammy and Poppy and Knights baseball games with Uncle Boo!  You're gonna be the cutest little fan ever!!
***5.  While we're on the subject of sports, I should probably go ahead and warn you about how much daddy loves his Ohio State Buckeyes.  There aren't really words to explain this to you, but I feel compelled to warn you.  He gets it honest because your Great Grandpa Art loved the Buckeyes.  I'm sure he'll tell you all about Grandpa Art and what an amazing man he was as soon as you're old enough to listen.  I know it makes daddy happy to think about him looking down from Heaven and seeing his great grandbaby rockin scarlet and grey in a few months.  You're actually due the day after college football season starts for this year, so I'm pretty sure within the first few days of your life you'll experience firsthand the insanity that is Buckeyes football, but I know daddy is super excited to share his love for the Bucks with you, and for you to cuddle up and watch the games with him. 

Well, only about 190 days or so until I get to meet your sweet smile face to face, and I've never been so excited about anything in my entire life.  In the meantime, keep growing big and strong and know how much daddy and I love you.

All my love little one,

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